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Nerang Neighbourhood Centre

We are a not for profit charitable organisation dedicated to providing support to all those in need. Since our establishment in 1991, we have played a leading role in supporting and uplifting our community with various programs & services.

Proudly funded and supported by The Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy

Our Services

Community Support

When you call in (or ring) our Centre, the first smiling face you will see is either Reece and/or Zoe, our fabulous Community Support Workers. They offer a listening ear, warm cuppa, free meal and years of experience and knowledge of the Gold Coast community sector. In the rare case that they cannot assist you, they will put you with the right person and/or service.


Our youth coaches, Deacon and Nate, provide a variety of supports to at-risk young people, aged 12-21, and their families.

Funded by Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs

 Financial Resilience

Jess provides budget guidance & information including making sure you are getting all your concessions and entitlements. We also offer No Interest Loans (NILs).

Funded by the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy in partnership with Good Shepherd

Disaster Recovery

Jordy's role is to help navigate and assist those affected by the SEQLD 2023 Christmas storms through the Queensland State grants and other supports.

Funded by the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy

Food Service

Anyone in need of a hand up can access our pre-packed $25.00 food boxes every Thursday and/or Friday. No concession cards required. Contact Lisa for more information.

Self funded by the Nerang Neighbourhood Centre

Nurse Practitioner

Leonie, our bulk billed Nurse Practitioner, is in the Centre on Tuesdays & Thursdays for a listening ear, advice and prescription management if needed.

Consultations available

New Zealand citizens

Vicky is our resident expert on all things relating to New Zealand migrants.  She can help with rights & entitlements, pathway to Australian citizenship and navigating what supports are available.

Appointments necessary


Rhonda, our Employment Coordinator, offers free and practical assistance to individuals between the ages of 16 and 65 who are seeking employment and/or training opportunities.

Funded by Department of Employment, Small Business and Training

Community Connect

Cath, our Community Connect worker can help you navigate through life's struggles by providing support, advocacy, advice and counselling.  Her specialty is Domestic Violence prevention and support. 

Funded by the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy

Tax Help

In partnership with the ATO, Anthea, our long standing and knowledgeable volunteer, helps low and single income earners complete and lodge their annual tax returns for free. 

Appointments necessary

Free Community BBQ

Hosted by Mark, aka Wolf, and some wonderful community volunteers (The Wolf Pack) offers a free BBQ and fellowship for anyone feeling isolated and in need of food and company.  ALL ARE WELCOME!

Bischof Pioneer Park
38 Nerang Street, Nerang 

Every Wednesday night

4:30pm - 8:00pm

Heart of the Community

Heart of the Community

By Artist: Burrumunji (Lalania Tusa)

Heart of the Community

If you need us…

Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 3:30pm

Closed on weekends

(07) 5578 2457

29 Martin Street

P.O Box 357


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